Saturday, February 17, 2007

Mahi and her schooling

The past week has been really crucial for Anand n me since we are thinking on puttin Mahi to a school where in as small as 2 month old children are enrolled. Mahi has turned 8 month this 6th but somehow our hearts are not yet ready to let go our precious darlin into the outside world.

But Ghosh Sir at Victorious Kidss says its important to understand that the child's brain develops far better and faster at a young age than when it grows .. and we as parents are restricting their brain from developing for our small ego of keeping them closely tugged to us ..

We are giving it a lot of thought and the decision is a 90% yes ! Lets just hope that Mahi benefits tremendously from her early schooling and goes ahead to be a great human being ...

Love u Mahi !!
Mum n Pa :)